¡Cambio de horario en las pruebas FOIL! Desde World SUP Festival os hacemos llegar esta actualización, cuyo objetivo es el de adecuar las pruebas a los participantes que quieran competir tanto en la prueba de SUP-FOIL como en la de WINGFOIL.🌊
¿Tienes alguna duda?😃 ¡Escríbenos!📩
In WORLD SUP FESTIVAL numerous requests have been received for participation in the WINGFOIL and SUP-FOIL modalities. Taking into account that the SUP races coincide with the FOIL races, the FOIL races will be held on Saturday afternoon.🌊
The exact time will be confirmed at the briefing, which will take place on Friday. The weather conditions will be assessed, which will dictate whether they take place on Saturday at 4:30 p.m. or Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
If you have any question, please drop us a line.📩