Sup World Ranking29 de diciembre de 2019 · 

TOP 20 ranked events, in the SUP WORLD RANKING – 2019

This is NOT a system that is a SPECULATION, it works with a well-defined set of rules. The SWR is clear and transparent system❗️

The exact score of the race is calculated after the event.
Depending on what numbers has created by the event.
Here you can see the rules of the SWR:

APP World Tour
– Sup11 – City Tour
– Carolina Cup
– Planet Canoe
– Bilbao WORLD SUP Challenge
– Alpine Lakes Tour
– SUP World Cup
– APP World Tour 大阪大会supオープン
– Air France Paddle Festival
– Pornichet Paddle Trophy
– World SUP Festival Costa Blanca
– Columbia Gorge Paddle Challenge
– Eurotower Tianfu Greenway SUP
– Vendée Gliss Event
– Agios Nikolaos on SUP
– AZUR Paddle Days